Erie Monitored Fire Alarms
Your Erie smoke detector alerts you that there’s smoke and fire -- even no matter where you are
The trouble with store-bought fire detectors is that they only look for a possible emergency if they feel dense smoke. But, your state-of-the-art Erie monitored fire alarms look for both smoke and rising heat. When they sense a fire emergency, they sound off an unmistaken bell, text your mobile device an alert through your mobile app, and contact your Vivint monitoring team.

How your Erie monitored fire alarms make your home safer
Make every minute count during a fire situation by linking your Erie fire alarms with your monitored Vivint system. Not only do you have a better alarm, you get an immediate actions from your Vivint monitoring agents.
Here’s the advantages you’ll find from your monitored smoke detectors in Erie:
Looks for both rising heat and smoke: Your Erie fire alarms have multiple sensors that can catch a fire better than ordinary smoke detectors.
High-decibel alerts: If your fire alarm senses rising heat or smoke, your entire system gives a high-decibel buzzer that will wake the entire house.
Notifications from your Vivint App: Your smoke detectors can also text an alert to your mobile device. Now you can find out you have a fire anytime you’re away.
Steadfast action from your Vivint monitoring team: Every time your monitored fire alarm determines there’s a fire, it will alert your Vivint monitoring agents. They will swiftly get ahold of the fire department and any additional responders while you get your family to safety.
The best Vivint security system includes monitored smoke detectors
When your monitored fire detectors connect with your Erie home security system, every device may activate in a fire emergency. Your other Vivint components are able to:
Remotely turn off the fan with your smart thermostat to prevent flames from growing stronger.
Automatically unlock your smart locks for easy escape and entrance.
Keep in constant contact with your Vivint monitoring experts with your security app.
Put up and easily move around your fire detector with battery-powered wireless communication.
Build your home security system with fire protection today!
Talk to a Vivint professional to upgrade your Erie fire detectors. They’ll walk you through all your smart home options and help you find the best alarms and cameras for your family. Just call (814) 992-4902 or fill out the form below.